All My Little Words

Alyssa Bozekowski Photography

Month: January, 2010



“From my childhood on the frontier I got the soul of an adventurer, and I spent the rest of my life finding ways to move inot new directions.”- writer Phyllis Luman Metal, ” I Carry the Ranch Inside Me” 1997


“That was my country – terrible winds and a  wonderful emptiness” – artist Georgia O’Keeffe, 1997


“I hope we can spend the rest of our days here, and when we die they can plant us right here on the ranch and plant wildflowers on top of our graves and let the cattle, elk, deer, and wild turkeys feed over us. Good enough for me.” – writer Janeen Jackson, “Country Seedling” 1997


“All winter I’d been reading of the great wagon parties that held council there before hitting the Oregon and Santa Fe trails; and of course now it was only cute suburban cottages of one damn kind and another, all laid out in the dismal gray dawn.” – writer Jack Kerouac, On The Road, 1957


“The West is where Nature is apt to be a mite exaggerated.” – Ken Alstad, Savvy Sayin’s, 1986


“Through all my sufferings in crossing the plains, the faith and hope that I had strengthened in proportion to the trials I encountered.” – unknown pioneer, 1800’s

The Flaming Lips

I found this video of the flaming lips on their blog, boy would it have been a cool new years being there. Also I love their love of balloons 

probably gonna be a favorite christmas song

Paul Graham’s beautiful words

If your an aspiring photographer you should read this article 

also many, many more articles in this blog are wonderful for photographers, kinda got lost here just reading, it was inspiring..


I just recently visited the Denver Art Museum and saw the exhibition Embrace! on display now till April 4th. I saw some amazing artists that I wanted to share with you

My favorites were:

Zhong Biao– ‘His work focuses on China’s social reform using visual symbols familiar in contemporary Chinese culture, he creates visualizations through paradoxical images, combining scenes from different eras or contrasting colors in the same image. His dynamic paintings capture the mood of the times in China, a society rooted in tradition but also fascinated by change.’ His piece Mirage is featured in the exhibition, I appreciate the scale and detailed technique of Biao’s painting, the one thing I loved about the piece was the connecting wall that was filled floor to ceiling with 16ft+ mirrors he really created a space that made me interact with the content. The multimedia & video was engaging I found myself sitting in the space for a while.

Charles Sandison–  His piece Chamber featured a the Denver Art Museum was really wonderful. The work is in a angular/cave-like room where Sandison projects light onto the surfaces of the room, transforming bare walls, ceilings, and corners into dynamic constellations of moving words and figures. Reading his comments about the work make if feel like a hearth or fire pit, the warmth being digital firelight. He had bean bags in the middle of the room so you could lie down and look at these ‘constellations’ the colors and words changing completely create a new space every few minutes. 

“I try to create an almost primitive space. It’s a little bit like a metaphor of a fireplace. Whether it’s a fire lit inside a cave or inside somebody’s home, the magic of light triggers a very fundamental human instinct in us. You know how you gaze into a fire and a little bit lose yourself? So I think even though I’m using technology, I think I’m dealing with something which is actually very primitive that goes deep into the cortex of the brain.”

Sandy Skoglund– I am a big fan of Sandy’s work and it was wonderful seeing her Fox Games featured at the Denver Art Museum. Her work was not in the Embrace! exhibit but was featured in the Modern & Contemporary wing at the DAM. 

Fox Games was painted in opposite colors at the DAM it was grey foxes and a very, very red room, so wonderful to see in person!

Tobias Rehberger– I was so thrilled about Tobias’s piece Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson in the Rain this installation created a maze of brilliant, rainbow colored bungee cords that were strung from floor to ceiling in a small room. It is just a fun interactive space,  getting tangled in the cords and trying to press your way threw tight elastic poles, finding open spaces in between that let you stand in this vibrant world. I also had the pleasure of seeing one of Rehberger’s other pieces at the Museum Ludwig in Köln, Germany the piece on display there is called the chicken-and-egg-no-problem wall-painting which I completely loved as well it was so great to be reminded of the work and that day visiting the museum. 

Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson in the Rain


The chicken-and-egg-no-problem wall-painting

This piece I loved because it was focused around the sculptures as well as the lighting and shadows that were formed. The lighting was a key element that created shapes, colors, and interactive imagery on the walls which extended down the room for about 15-20 ft 

Lawrence Weiner-  AS TO BE IN PLAIN SIGHT  Weiner considers language to be his medium “Even a sentence is an object,” he says. “Everything is an object.” I like the way he calls attention to these phrases as well as love the particular phrases he chooses 

Enrique Martinez Celaya– might be one of my all time favortie painters I have come across in a long time, I saw one of his pieces at the DAM and spent a loong time looking at his website and other work check it out!


I’m on a music search right now enjoy the vidddsss

Local Natives

Not too crazy about the video but the song is nice 🙂

An interesting concept, the lyrics mixed with the acoustic, quiet sound play off each other in a weird way, don’t know if I’m thrilled about the lyrics but I really do enjoy the song 

Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions

James introduced me this song : ) 

They play this song at work 

Now if only I could really dance like this…. 

Love this mix! Trippy surf guitars, a kind of Patsy Cline hook, & Kid Cudi, it’s tight

I’ll leave you with this video for the night. Done for now with my video rampage 


A singer-songwriter from Sao Paulo, Brazil Céu has a mix of  Billie Holiday, Erykah Badu, Bebel Gilberto, etc. They are calling her Sao Paulo’s siren, this brazilian female singer blows me away and her music is really refreshing, throwing a kind of drum n’bass and r&b feel on top of the classic bossa nova sound 

check out more of her music and what shes up to 


How to make a michael cera movie

I found his interview with David Letterman quite funny and I enjoy the clip he chose. I think a solid way of making fun of himself and bringing humor to his roles he usually plays

Martin Ivanov

I found Martin and his work, it is pretty amazing, he is a graphic design freelancer but is doing some amazing digital photography work. Check out the the making of and original elements they are fantastic

Martin Ivanovs work

Thanks to Trendland

Minneapolis In the new year

So for New Years I spent 3 days back in Minneapolis visiting friends and ringing in the new year in bitter, cold Minnesota. The trip was too short and I can’t wait to get back. Enjoy some of the photographs from the trip!

I also spent New Years day traveling, being still drunk, and out of it. I had to catch a taxi to the airport at 7 am and fly home at 9am, luckily I had the day off, Thank you work! I recovered nicely but it was a crazy 3 days